Koramco REITs & Trust Golden Tower

KORAMCO Foundation Story

In the early 2000s in Korea, after the financial crisis, many companies tried to sell real estate in order to repay their debts but finding proper buyers was very difficult. However, banks with sufficient liquidity could not find proper investment and was only investing in the government bond. In order to bridge the gap between the two parties, and to develop Korean real estate industry and stabilize its economy, KORAMCO was founded in 2001.

By introducing advanced REITs system from overseas to Korea, KORAMCO not only helped Korea overcome financial crisisi but also contributed to national economic development and provided a new paradigm of Korea's real estate finance. Since its inception, KORAMCO supported companies' restructuring, opened new investment opportunities for financial institutions struggling to find proper investments, and served as a strong bridge between real estate and financial market.

And in 2006, KORAMCO finally entered the real estate trust business, and became a comprehensive real estate financial institution offering one-stop real estate services including REITs establishment and asset management, real estate development, investment advisory, real estate trust, and agency service.

KOCREF No.1 [Hanwha Building]

Origin of KORAMCO brand name

Formed in June 2001 to establish CR-REITs, the ‘Preparatory Committee for Corporate Restructuring Real Estate Fund’ designated real estate fund to purchase real estate for corporate restructuring the title of 'Korea Corporate Restructuring Real Estate Fund' abbreviated as 'KOCREF'

The committee also named asset management company managing and operating KOCREF as 'Korea Real Asset Management Company' abbreviated as 'KORAMCO'.

KORAMCO became official of the company ever since.

Company Information

Name of Company Koramco REITs & Trust
# of Employees 170
Managed Assets of REITs : KRW 6,785.2 billion
Managed Assets of Trust : KRW 6,621.6 billion
Tel & Fax Tel : (02) 787-0000
Fax : (02) 787-0111
Date of Establishment October 24 2001
Business Area Chattel and real estate trust, agency service, development of maintenance business, and etc.
Address Golden Tower ,511, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Affiliate KORAMCO Asset Management

※ Number of employees: as of October 2018; asset size: as of December 2017


KORAMCO’s CI represents an entity that grows and develops in tandem with clients by effectively delivering our leadership and professional asset management skills.

KORAMCO RED symbolizes our passion and forward-looking vision in a bid to rise as Korea’s top-tier comprehensive real estate financial institution based on client trust and professionalism in real estate investment.

In addition, KORAMCO GRAY symbolizes unwavering principle of KORAMCO REITs & Trust, which creates new values for clients based on knowledge and trust.

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