Introduction of KORAMCO WAY

Since its establishment in 2001, KORAMCO has continued to grow and this growth was made possible by KORAMCO Way formerly known as 'Management Philosophy'. However, Koramco Way did not become what it is today from its inception. In line with the rapidly changing era, KORAMCO Way has evolved gradually as many of us contemplated the paths and the values that we need to persue, and in 2010, our management philosophy became what it is today. This is KORAMCO Way.



Objective of


See details ▽

Creating new values for the clients
with our expertise and trust


Global top-tier company


See details ▽

Sustainable company that everyone aspires to work for
Global Top-Tier Comprehensive Financial Company




See details ▽
& Follow-up
& Collabora-

Fundamental Attitudes

Our Talents

See details ▽
  • Be honest and frugal
  • Be passionate
  • Be creative
  • Be supportive to clients
  • Be problem seeker and active solver

KORAMCO Way means


'way of working' and 'mutual agreement' that people of KORAMCO have to keep in mind

Open communication, future-driven, preparation & follow-up, competition & collaboration, and social responsibility (core values) are practiced so that KORAMCO can become a sustainable and global top-tier comprehensive financial company that everyone aspires to work (vision), and KORAMCO can create new values for clients based on knowledge and trust (mission)


The mission of KORAMCO is
"Creating new values for clients
based on knowledge and trust

This is why KORAMCO exisits and our founding values. After the financial crisis, many companies tried to sell real estate in order to repay their debts but finding proper buyers was very difficult. However, banks with sufficient liquidity could not find proper investment opportunities. In order to bridge the gap between the two parties, KORAMCO was founded in October 2001. ''Value creation for clients' is KORAMCO's founding values and purpose of our existence. At KORAMCO, our people are our capital. Our expertise is our competitive edge. In addition, KORAMCO, a company offering REITs asset management, real estate trust and real estate fund management services, cannot grow nor survive without trust gained from the clients. It is the reason why KORAMCO's mission is based on our expertise and trust.


A sustainable and global top-tier
comprehensive financial company
that everyone aspires to work for

KORAMCO aspires to be a company everyone is eager to work for.

A company everyone aspires to work for should give each and every person at Koramco sufficient opportunities to realize their dreams.

KORAMCO aims to be a
sustainable company

A sustainable company is where everyone feels rewarded for their work, grows the company by creating profits, and strives for the vision by handing down the work place to younger generations.

KORAMCO aspires to be a Global
Top-Tier Comprehensive Financial Company

The Global Top-Tier Comprehensive Financial Company is a company respected by the clients and the society for its technology, expertise, and trust.


The core values are neither good nor bad. If the values are commonly pursued and imbued to achieve company's mission and vision among its members, those values the good core values. KORAMCO upholds five core values to realize our mission and vision.

If everyone from KORAMCO embodies these core values and has them as the standards for all thinking, decision making and behavioral process, KORAMCO will become a global top-tier company which can withstand any crisis, receive trust and respect from clients, go faster and further with teamwork.

Open Communication

KORAMCO aspires to be a company with an open communication channel. Everyone at KORAMCO should promptly disclose any challenges met during the course of work, so everyone can act on it swiftly and collectively. At Koramco, the ideal way of communication is to clearly speak of one's opinion, attentively listen to the opinion, and collectively discuss it so that we can move forward in productive and constructive way.


KORAMCO aspires to be a company concentrating on today's while always preparing for the future. Everyone at KORAMCO should not only work on daily tasks but also think about tomorrow simultaneously. Planning for the mid & long-term goals is as important as working diligently to achieve short-term targets set in the Annual Business Plan. If meeting the short-term targets is prioritized over mid & long-term development of the company, it cannot be sustainable.

Preparation and follow up

KORAMCO aspires to be a company effectively performing tasks through consistent preparation and follow-up. Everyone at KORAMCO should set goals, and construct thorough preparations and bold implementation strategy. Once the goals are set in motion, work progress needs to be regularly checked to ensure the goals are met on schedule. Furthermore, every Koramco employee should conduct self-evaluation of his/her work in progress on daily basis.

Competition and Collaboration

KORAMCO aspires to be a company maximizing its capability through competition and collaboration. Culture of competition and collaboration within the company is a prerequisite to becoming a sustainable company. Although it is necessary to be competitive among businesses, teams, and colleagues, be collaborative if the teamwork is expected to create any synergy. Through the competition and collaboration, people at Koramco can maximize their capability resulting in maximizing the company's performance. Competition and collaboration in an organization is not about winning or just helping each other. It is a way of living for mutual growth and development in order to accomplish 'Common Goal' within a community.

Social Responsibility

KORAMCO aspires to be a company fulfilling social responsibility. Company grows with the trust from the society and the appreciation from the clients. KORAMCO is grateful for the trust from the society and the appreciation from the clients. 'A company fulfilling social responsibility' is one of the founding values of KORAMCO and people at KORAMCO are those who walk the talk about the values.


Personal traits Koramco encourage

Be honest and frugal

Honesty and frugality have been known as the basic virtues people should foster. It is because that only those who with these virtues can be trusted and appreciated by the society and accumulate untainted wealth.

Be creative

By merely following the past, we cannot create new values thus company cannot grow. In every issue, critical mind is required and creative thinking must be performed. Especially in order to create values wanted by clients, we should seek change relentlessly such as new business models appropriate for their needs.

Be problem seeker and active solver

People at KORAMCO independently set goals and actively seek to achieve the goals. We need to seek problems and solve them actively before being told by others. We must conduct thorough analysis about the situation and have courage to overcome any difficulties boldly and swiftly.

Be passionate

Focusing on the task with intense affection can be defined as passion. Passion is the driving force behind future creation. Those who work with passion exudes beauty, and passion is contagious affecting others around us.

Be supportive to clients

The client is our “raison d'être”. We should prepare ourselves with endless researches to create products and services wanted by clients. To that end, we must be equipped with not only the expertise, but also the mindset geared to serving our clients first. Serving our clients starts from the mindset respecting the clients, and keeping the trust from the clients.